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If it contributes to high-quality results, you can be sure it’s included in the Ricoh SP C811DN-T3 from precise color calibration and image quality to broad paper handling capabilities.
• Outstanding Image Quality—A 4-bit engine offers 9,600 x 600 dpi interpolated resolution and precise registration for sharp images, smooth gradations and exceptional hue.
• Superior Color—Ricoh’s patented PxP™ Toner technology results in crisp, clear text, improved definition and sharper images, so your documents always set the standard for quality color.
• Exact Color Matching—Outstanding image quality and PANTONE® support means you can print full-color, graphic-intensive files in-house. Print brochures, flyers and direct mail pieces as confidently as you print general business documents.
• Media Flexibility—Output paper sizes up to 11” x 17” and stock up to 120 lb. Index through paper trays, 140 lb. Index through the Bypass Tray, and 90 lb. Index when duplexing.
Foiled with the color quality of your printer? Well, the toner can be the reason. But how? It is because the toner you might be ingesting in your printer is not acting as the legit substance. Therefore, it is a time to change the former toner with the Ricoh SP C811DN-T3 toner cartridges for some serene printing content. Well, it leaves the output of printing darker pages with 5% coverage. Astounding right? So, get one with and initiate your experience with taking out the best print-outs.