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offers advanced security features you can depend on so everyone can work with total confidence— even in networked offices.
• Protect sensitive data moving between computers and the device with advanced Data Encryption.
• Control access to system functions with Administrator and User Authentication.
• Enhance security with Ricoh’s optional DataOverwriteSecurity System (DOSS). It automatically overwrites hard drive information after each job.
• Prevent unauthorized distribution of printed documents by embedding masking patterns that appear if a document is scanned or printed on enabled Ricoh devices.
• Monitor device use and protect confidential documents using optional Job Log and Access Log software.
What if we say it is the right time to protect your Ricoh printer? Well, it is true as you can get the best original supplies of Ricoh SP C811DN-DL that will act as a genuine remedy if your printer is not providing desirable outputs. So, you can go with the efficient use of the perfect toner for your printer. Also, it will be possible to print bolder and darker pages with the Ricoh SP C811DN-DL OEM toners.
Thinking of buying one? Get connected to and receive your supplies today at reasonable rates.