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Print classroom materials, legal binders and presentations at up to 90 pages per minute (ppm) with 1200 x 1200 dpi resolution. Minimize reloads with extra paper trays and boost paper capacity to 8,700 sheets. Use the Single Pass Document Feeder (SPDF) to scan images at 240 images per minute (ipm). Share digital files instantly with many Scan-To options. Fax digitally directly to email inboxes to avoid transmission costs.
If your printer is not printing well, then it is a fault of a toner. Why not let’s check the Ricoh Pro C751EX supplies. Here comes that offers the OEM products to the customers that are 100% genuine. So, if you want to get efficient working of the printer, then you can proceed efficiently with the Ricoh Pro C751EX toner supplies. Without any doubt or a second thought, you can move on with