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When you want to guarantee that printed information reaches your audience on time, there’s only one option — use the SP C435DN to do it yourself. Eliminate outsourcing costs and reduce delays from running different jobs on multiple printers. Choose from a wider range of media options — including thicker media stocks up to 140 lb. Index (256 g/m2), plain paper up to 8.5" x 14" and basic banners up to 49" long — to reach your audience with the information it needs in the format it prefers. With the easy-to-use 4-line LCD control panel, you can easily check settings, monitor supplies and perform other key tasks in moments and transition from one job to the next with speed and convenience.
What do you think about OEM Ricoh SP C435DN supplies? Expensive? But think about the situation when you have a Ricoh’s best printer, but is not offering best outputs to you? Won’t it be showing a glitch in your toner? Yes, it is!! So, here, Ricoh SP C435DN supplies will provide the genuine results. have one with