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Deliver information that gets you noticed. Select from thicker paper stocks up to 140 lb. index (256 g/m2) to create postcards, brochures, menus and more in-house. Use any of the five paper sources to print envelopes and labels. Need to print something bigger? Use the bypass tray for banners up to 49" long.
What if you have a Ricoh SP C431DN color laser printer? While using the toners of other companies, can it provide you the same result? Of course not! So what about these Ricoh SP C431DN supplies? Well, it will be the accurate step towards the productive prints. So before buying one, why not let’s check the features of the toner? Here we go!! Firstly, the Ricoh SP C431DN toners come in four different colors, whose specifications are given below: - The black toner will help in producing yield for 24000 pages. At the same time, other colors like Magenta, Cyan and Yellow will help in producing the yield of 21000 pages. Doesn’t it feel relaxing after looking at the number of pages that can be yielded with Ricoh SP C431DN. So, why not let’s have one at your place? Order now with!!